Sunday, June 04, 2006

Out of the Blue

I'm always amazed at home sometimes an opportunity just falls into your lap. Not that it really does. Everything's in the Master plan. But it feels like things sometimes happen out of the blue. It's a good feeling.

My sister mentioned that I needed some faces other than my own children in my portfolio. And she's right. I do. But branching out is a bit scary. I finally summoned up the courage to ask a friend of mine if I could have a photo shoot with her three children. We're planning something for next week. All of the rhododendrons are in bloom right now. I thought that Succop Conservancy will be a beautiful backdrop. Her kids are absolutely adorable and they love dress up and pretend, so I am hopeful we will have a great shoot.

But that's not the opportunity I mentioned. My friend also works at an antique store. She's an idea person. Her boss, the store owner, has offered to let us use the store for a photo shoot with the kids. We can also use some of the items there (chairs, hats etc.) as props for the shoot. She will put some of the pictures on her website to promote her shop and mention my photography business. I will put some of the pictures on my site, and mention her shop. A cross promotional sort of thing.

So it's a great opportunity and I am really excited. I'm a little concerned about lighting since the windows aren't huge and I had envisioned doing a natural light shoot. It's what I am most comfortable with. But I will take the studio lighting just in case.

If you live in the Western Pennsylvania area, the Antique Store is just outside of Butler on Route 8 south. More details can be found at www.

Carol's store is only open on Friday and Saturday, but you can call her anytime if you are interested in any of her antiques.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

6/27/2006 07:46:00 AM  

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